Veneers in San Diego, CA 92115

Veneers in San Diego, CA 92115

At La Mesa Dental Services, a veneer is a thin, custom-made shell covering a tooth's front to improve the overall appearance. They are typically made from several layers of porcelain, but they can also be made from resin composite materials that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. Dental veneers are bonded to the surface of the teeth to improve their color and shape. They can also be used to realign uneven or misaligned teeth. When a patient has crooked or crowded teeth that are causing them physical discomfort, such as jaw pain, they may ask their dentist about the advantages of using dental veneers to correct their smile.

The Procedure for Veneers

Before applying your veneers, your dentist will file down and reshape your teeth to ensure a proper fit. After your teeth have been prepared, your doctor will take impressions to send to a lab where your veneers will be made. Once your veneers are ready, you will return to the dentist’s office to bond them to your natural teeth. Your dentist will apply a specialized cement to bond the veneer to the tooth's front surface. Some dentists use a laser to speed up this process and improve bonding. Once the cement is applied and set correctly, your dentist will finish shaping and polishing the veneers. 

The Benefits Of Veneers

Self-Confidence Boost

A smile that is discolored or full of gapped teeth will make you look older than you are and leave you feeling less confident when interacting with others. With veneers, you can transform the appearance of your mouth into one that perfectly complements your other features.

Easy Maintenance

Caring for your veneers is easy because they are durable. You must brush twice daily and floss once to keep your teeth healthy and strong. You also need to schedule regular visits with your dental team for cleanings and examinations to ensure your teeth stay healthy.

Improve Crooked Teeth

Veneers may be suitable for misaligned, cracked, or broken teeth. This treatment can fix multiple issues simultaneously to give you the gorgeous grin you’ve always wanted.

You may be a great candidate for porcelain veneers if you are unhappy with your smile due to discolored, chipped, or crooked teeth. If you want to learn how veneers can help repair your smile, get in touch with La Mesa Dental Services at 6663 El Cajon Blvd Suite C/D, San Diego, 92115, or call (619) 871-5001 to schedule an appointment.


6663 El Cajon Blvd Suite C/D,
San Diego, CA 92115

Office Hours

MON - SAT9:00 am - 5:00 pm
